Give Shuumi

We encourage all non-Indigenous people who live in Kensington, or whose business or nonprofit organization is located in Kensington, to give Shuumi.

Shuumi is a voluntary payment that non-Indigenous people living in Lisjan Nation territory can make to support the Lisjan Nation’s sovereignty work.

Shuumi means “gift” in Chochenyo, the first language of this land. As non-Indigenous people living on stolen Lisjan Nation land, this opportunity to directly support reparative work is a gift. Shuumi contributions provide immediate, material assistance to the Lisjan Nation. It is also a way to honor the Lisjan Nation as the Indigenous people of the land we live on and acknowledge our presence as guests on that land.

Payments are made to Sogorea Te’ Land Trust, the organization that supports Lisjan Nation sovereignty in many ways including: acquiring and tending ancestral land as well as protecting sacred spaces, cultivating traditional foods and medicines, building ceremonial spaces and creating educational programs. Sogorea Te’ Land Trust is the first Indigenous, women-led, urban land trust in the country. It is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

You can give Shuumi as an individual, family, business or nonprofit organization. Sogorea Te’ Land Trust offers a calculator to help you decide how much to give.