About Us

Good Guest Kensington supports the town of Kensington to live as good guests on Lisjan Nation land.

“Kensington’s Waterways” Program in Blake Garden on Indigenous People’s Day 2023

Our Vision

Good Guest Kensington (GGK) works toward a future where the town of Kensington—its residents, business owners, schools, community groups and governing bodies—actively and joyfully collaborate with the Lisjan Nation in the collective work of rematriation.

What We Do

GGK was formed in 2021. Our work in Kensington includes: 

  • Encouraging Kensington residents and businesses to give Shuumi.

  • Collaborating with Kensington community groups who want to learn about and take action toward being good guests.

    • Partnered with Hilltop Elementary School to create a teacher resource.

  • Facilitating relationships between Kensington community groups and Lisjan Nation that are respectful and reciprocal. 

    • Facilitated Lisjan Nation members touring Kensington Park with members of KPPCSD (Kensington Police Protection Community Services District), and providing input on the replanting project.

  • Educating our neighbors and community groups on relevant topics including: local Indigenous history, who is Lisjan Nation, what is the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust, what it means to be a good guest, and rematriation.

    • Gave presentations hosted by the Kensington Library and Arlington Community Church.

  • Making Lisjan Nation visible in the town of Kensington.

    • Starting in 2022, GGK organizes an annual Indigenous People’s Day event in Kensington.

    • Tabling at the Kensington Farmer’s Market.

  • Building community among Kensington residents as we learn and take action together.


GGK Members live in Kensington and do this work as volunteers. We plan and implement the group’s activities. We also learn together and build relationships with each other over time. Anyone can become a Member. If you are interested in becoming a Member of GGK, please reach out so we can tell you more about the opportunities and commitments. If you are new to this kind of work, we welcome you and offer lots of support! 

Current Members: Natalie Blackmur, Laura Callen, Susanna Marshland, Camden Richards

You can be involved in GGK if you’re not a member! Click here to learn more.